Sunday, November 18, 2007

There is a mouse....

There is a mouse in my walls, I have tried to kill him many, many times. As I sit here typing he sits in the wall beside me crunching away on insulation, he is still alive and he wants me to know it, when I go to bed he will scamper to the wall above my bed and chew on anything just because he knows it will keep me up.....evil mouse. The war is not over my friends! The mouse is going down!

Felicity is four, as of Friday. She got a tea set and we (Felicity, her hippo's and I) are having a tea party tomorrow, she is very excited.
Felicity so far is loving being four, she got a bunch of presents, she picked out her own cake and she even picked out her decorations and tableware, not something I usually do as children naturally gravitate to the most expensive stuff in the store, but she was with me and throwing stuff in the cart, and I mean what I can a person do? I was only planning on spending five bucks on that stuff, lol we ended up spending fifteen, but your only four once, right!

Hey James is on the phone be back later!

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