I have ALOT to be thankful for, ALOT, but this whole photography buisness overwhelms me sometimes, like right now. I am not quitting that would be insane considering how much time has been put into it the last month (feeling guilty I haven't been doing as much with my kids and summer vacation is almost over) No I love this, I love photography and hey I even love people (:D) it will take a bit but I know its going to work out, but right now I'm feeling overwhelmed I need to go to bed and FORGET about it for a while........
Oh I did this wicked cute story board of elli eating a flower very funny haven't resized it yet so can't post it. I got the new computer on tuesday (Joffs birthday, another reason to feel guilty didn't "Do" anything for him, too busy) I got fitted for contacts today and that was wierd, I keep pushing my glasses up!
Evs is an angel, a frustrating angel, but still he keeps emptying my bookshelfs and giving me boxes for of books, sometimes he will try to wrap them and go thru rolls of toilet paper or wipes and then if I put them back he's sad that I am not enjoying them properly!
Okay then heading off to bed.
Heres a couple from "Grounded for Life"
"Fine, put me on hold. I love listening to the ‘Music to Kill Yourself by’ collection. "
"Three juice boxes for six kids? It’s gonna be like ‘Lord of the Flies’ out there."
I gotta say this one had me laughing my butt of
From the Cosby Show
"Your mother and I are rich. You have nothing. "
Full house - "That’s not a big problem. A big problem is like, well, if your butt fell off."
Back to Bill Cosby - "Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think - in a deeper voice. "
Bob Hope - "I do benefits for all religions - I'd hate to blow the hereafter on a technicality"
"She said she was approaching forty, and I couldn't help wondering from what direction"
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move"
"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes."
"The moment at which two people, approaching from opposite ends of a long passageway, recognize each other and immediately pretend they haven t. This is to avoid the ghastly embarrassment of having to continue recognizing each other the whole length of the corridor. "
"Experts say you should never hit your children in anger. When is a good time? When you're feeling festive? "
I don't know whose quites those last ones are and I am too tired to look them up but they make me smile. Night!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy 6th Birthday Alice!
WOW busy is an understatement but I had to stop in tonight and tell everyone that my Alice is SIX!
She is getting so big and it breaks my heart but I am proud of her all at the same time. We were headed down to the coast today but because of problems with the truck we stayed home and the A's and Cindi's family came over (also Chelles kids because Cindi is babysitting) She got a ton of petshop and MLP stuff, a camera and some skippyjon jones books. I'll post pictures tomorrow:) She confessed she is begining to like horses more then pigs! She says she still loves pigs, now its just a tie, waaaaaa! My little piglet is growing up.
Sorry this is so short, I'm short on news and all I can think about right now is getting this photo buisiness GOING, I am sure its driving my family nuts, its good in some ways I need to set bounderies, I NEED certain days of the week were I don't have any work, so this is teaching me right off the bat, that while its important to do my job well and cover all bases I need to remember I have a life and a family:D LOL Joff has this running bet that I CAN"T not get on the computer for a whole day, Confession! It would be very, very hard! Even Sundays I go online to read up on lessons and stuff for FHE, alright and I usually catch up on emails on Sundays, I figure thats an OK Sunday activity:) I have to admit I spend at least two hours on the computer a day, not all online and I certainly don't play games, but I do need to spend less time on the computer its just there is so much to learn! OK I gotta go. Better get off the computer;)
WOW busy is an understatement but I had to stop in tonight and tell everyone that my Alice is SIX!
She is getting so big and it breaks my heart but I am proud of her all at the same time. We were headed down to the coast today but because of problems with the truck we stayed home and the A's and Cindi's family came over (also Chelles kids because Cindi is babysitting) She got a ton of petshop and MLP stuff, a camera and some skippyjon jones books. I'll post pictures tomorrow:) She confessed she is begining to like horses more then pigs! She says she still loves pigs, now its just a tie, waaaaaa! My little piglet is growing up.
Sorry this is so short, I'm short on news and all I can think about right now is getting this photo buisiness GOING, I am sure its driving my family nuts, its good in some ways I need to set bounderies, I NEED certain days of the week were I don't have any work, so this is teaching me right off the bat, that while its important to do my job well and cover all bases I need to remember I have a life and a family:D LOL Joff has this running bet that I CAN"T not get on the computer for a whole day, Confession! It would be very, very hard! Even Sundays I go online to read up on lessons and stuff for FHE, alright and I usually catch up on emails on Sundays, I figure thats an OK Sunday activity:) I have to admit I spend at least two hours on the computer a day, not all online and I certainly don't play games, but I do need to spend less time on the computer its just there is so much to learn! OK I gotta go. Better get off the computer;)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Plant life around the property
Saturday, July 12, 2008

I just finished watching "27 Dresses" I am pretty sure I just wasted and hour and a half, it was ok, but I am so horridly busy nowadays that if I am going to watch a movie shouldn't I watch something at least entertaining? Can you tell I didn't like it? I have been pretty slothful all day really, well except for this morning I did a shoot with Katie, that was fun and then I spent a while this evening taking pictures of different plant life around the property, now that was fun! My pretty lense is such an awsome thing to use:) Posting one of my pics from this morning with Katie, maybe not the best but I like it anyway. Ok I will posting some pictures tonight, then I have to work on the my photoblog because I haven't touched it in a week, I couldn't I just got so stressed over it I had to stop. OK stay tuned for pictures coming in the next post!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Picture of Felicity
See I still have time for my little blog:D
I have discovered Lightroom (heavenly choirs sing, ahhhhhhh, ohhhhh, ahhhhhh) lol, anyhow heres a picture of Felicity taken in RAW and converted in Lightroom. I am only posting one picture because I am going to start posting all my favorites over on my photoblog, all the rest and family snapshots I will continue to post here. Oh wait I am on Joff's computer, the picture of Felicity will be in the next post.
My little monkeys are getting clever and sneaky, every night they try to convince me its not as late as it really is, tonight they didn't go to bed till ten!
Drained the pool today so we could remove some rocks, when there was only about one foot of water left Elli got in and sat down clothes, diaper and all, she loved it! I hollered over to Joff to come look and Elli said "don't look, don't look!" LOL she is getting pretty handy with words and she loves showing off that she can put together a sentence.
Caleb (my little chowderfest) weighs more then Ella by two pounds!
Alice's birthday is creeping up on me and we hear about it everyday, I am not ready.
Hot here in Maine, I am the ultimate whiner when it comes to weather, but then I have to have something to complain about right? It might as well be the weather.
Talked to Gary today a little about my Photography Business, it was fun, the talking was anyway, business on the hand is not, I wish I could just take the pictures and have someone else deal with all the paperwork and legal issues:( But I am sorting it out and although I will not be up and running as soon as I thought I think its safer to have everything in order first, besides I DO have some sessions coming up next week, I am super excited about that and more pictures for my photoblog before I go live.
Going to get on my computer and share that picture of Felicity now!
I have discovered Lightroom (heavenly choirs sing, ahhhhhhh, ohhhhh, ahhhhhh) lol, anyhow heres a picture of Felicity taken in RAW and converted in Lightroom. I am only posting one picture because I am going to start posting all my favorites over on my photoblog, all the rest and family snapshots I will continue to post here. Oh wait I am on Joff's computer, the picture of Felicity will be in the next post.
My little monkeys are getting clever and sneaky, every night they try to convince me its not as late as it really is, tonight they didn't go to bed till ten!
Drained the pool today so we could remove some rocks, when there was only about one foot of water left Elli got in and sat down clothes, diaper and all, she loved it! I hollered over to Joff to come look and Elli said "don't look, don't look!" LOL she is getting pretty handy with words and she loves showing off that she can put together a sentence.
Caleb (my little chowderfest) weighs more then Ella by two pounds!
Alice's birthday is creeping up on me and we hear about it everyday, I am not ready.
Hot here in Maine, I am the ultimate whiner when it comes to weather, but then I have to have something to complain about right? It might as well be the weather.
Talked to Gary today a little about my Photography Business, it was fun, the talking was anyway, business on the hand is not, I wish I could just take the pictures and have someone else deal with all the paperwork and legal issues:( But I am sorting it out and although I will not be up and running as soon as I thought I think its safer to have everything in order first, besides I DO have some sessions coming up next week, I am super excited about that and more pictures for my photoblog before I go live.
Going to get on my computer and share that picture of Felicity now!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Happy 4th of July
WE had a strange mishy mashy 4th, a good one don't get me wrong just different:) We went to to the breakfast at the church for the flag raising ceremony and breakfast, then we headed up to Winslow for the parade (the kids LOVE parades) we went to the park to check out the activities but it was sooooo crowded we ended up leaving and coming home for some swimming and a cook out, we watched fireworks on Sat. in Newport, not the dazzling display I am used to, but again the kids loved them so I am happy and I think it turned out very well.
Happy 4th:)
I have been working my little busy self, I have been getting ready a website and getting my advertisements together, I have been finishing up portfolio sessions and I am almost ready, almost but not quite ready to hit the "GO" button, soon Atwater Photography will be open and I am excited and terrified at the same time, terrified because well its a very new thing for me to do, I have never done anything for myself like this before its such a new and scary thing, but I am excited at the same time, because well I get to do something I Love. I was in Walmart the other day and while waiting for Joff to use the restroom I watched as a mother struggled to get her daughter to cooperate and the "photographer" was hurrying them along and it was horrible, why pay to have a picture on your wall of an unhappy child, that's NOT who your child is, that's NOT a memory that I would want, and I intend to offer the kind of session that will bring out the personality of my client, that is unrushed, that will be fun and that they can look back at the pictures and say that's who my child was. So that's another reason I am excited, because I had the Walmart experience myself with my kids once and I will NEVER do it again.
I Need to mention this, I debated on it, but decided it just had to be said. I would like to thank a person who wishes to remain anonymous, Thank you so, so much for providing the funds needed to get this going, this seriously wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for your awesome generosity and even more for your constant encouragement, it means the world thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now I need to get back to work:)
Happy 4th:)
I have been working my little busy self, I have been getting ready a website and getting my advertisements together, I have been finishing up portfolio sessions and I am almost ready, almost but not quite ready to hit the "GO" button, soon Atwater Photography will be open and I am excited and terrified at the same time, terrified because well its a very new thing for me to do, I have never done anything for myself like this before its such a new and scary thing, but I am excited at the same time, because well I get to do something I Love. I was in Walmart the other day and while waiting for Joff to use the restroom I watched as a mother struggled to get her daughter to cooperate and the "photographer" was hurrying them along and it was horrible, why pay to have a picture on your wall of an unhappy child, that's NOT who your child is, that's NOT a memory that I would want, and I intend to offer the kind of session that will bring out the personality of my client, that is unrushed, that will be fun and that they can look back at the pictures and say that's who my child was. So that's another reason I am excited, because I had the Walmart experience myself with my kids once and I will NEVER do it again.
I Need to mention this, I debated on it, but decided it just had to be said. I would like to thank a person who wishes to remain anonymous, Thank you so, so much for providing the funds needed to get this going, this seriously wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for your awesome generosity and even more for your constant encouragement, it means the world thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now I need to get back to work:)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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