Thursday, September 18, 2008


Laying here, sipping on thermaflu. Browsing houses on Yuck.
Joff is bundling up the babies, they are going out to stack wood.
I need to crawl out of bed and go sort laundry.
Watched the 2nd episode of Fringe last night. Freaky.


1 comment:

sweetlifeinthevalley said...

Hi- there I am April Atwater your cousin in Utah. I happen to find you because I too am a photographer & your blog came up on a google search. Fun to see all the Atwater blogs out in Maine. I hope you are feeling better. I do a blog as well as my family blog & my photography I just love your Grandma School idea! It made me smile. My daughter Sha'said she wants a Grandma School for her kids when she growns up. And I agree- a perfect idea. Blessing to you all,